Friday, May 25, 2007

:+: Why is the Rum Gone? :+:

Remember this? For those Nuffnangers, you would know about the
Timothy Tiah of Nuffnang

I'm sure all the Nuffnangers enjoyed their movie last night. How was the movie?? Too bad I'm SOOOOOOOOO FAR AWAY from KL. Else, I would definitely participate in this BIG EVENT.

* * * * *

Why is the RUM GONE?

:+: Coz Anna drank them all :+:

Today is a special day, can say it's MY Lucky Day! Why is the rum gone? It is because DiGi took it and gave it to ANNA.
"Pirates of Caribbean 3 screening - 28 May. Show SMS to redeem 4 FREE tickets @ DiGi Centre, 25 May, 11am-5.30pm / 26 May, 11am-1pm. While tickets last."

Thanks to DiGi Fu-Yoh, I got 4 frigging tickets to the movies!! How cool is that?! So, now you know why the rum is gone! On top of that, 28th May is Dad's birthday. I can't buy him anything because he got everything he wanted. He got $$ *kaching kaching* to buy whatever he wants mar. What other better gift, than bringing him to the movies? Plus, Chow Yun Fatt is in it. After the movies, I would treat us all supper at Open Air, eat Ah Mui's Gu Bak Mee. I think it should be ok for him. What say you?


yomi said...

Its really good! Must watch! Up
til now I have not watch Spiderman
3, already watch Pirates...

I went with the wrong company though. Choose thee's company well! You wouldn't wanna go with a group which don't laugh and when you laugh, they look at you as if you are weird! Like la they so damn cool! Shheesshh..

Enjoy PIRATES!! WEee~ =P

Anonymous said...

wahhh Fuuuiiiiiii Yoooooooooh. hahahah
thanks for your comment at my blog. appreciate it anna ;)

a n n n a said...

Yomi: i haven't watch Spidey 3 yet.. Gel & Nel watched it edi.. So, I'm planning to watch it at home. I'm taking the family to watch POC3. ngek ngek..

papajoneh: FUUUU YOOOOOHHhhh~~!! U're very welcome. ^^

Anonymous said...

hey anna!

my mom's bday is tomorrow. lucky that u got free tics. catch up with u face to face sometime!

a n n n a said...

sam: Happy Birthday to ur mum! Hope to see u around soon. ^^