Tuesday, April 03, 2007

:+: Modelling Scoops :+:

On one hot afternoon...

After our work...

:+: Helping ahGe with her project by modelling *winks* :+:
We went to..

:+: Being us :+:

Angel enjoys her gelato while watching MTV

:+: Double Scoops: Caramel, Banana Cheese with chocolate bits topping :+:

:+: Angel got mini ice cream cone in her caramel gelato :+:

:+: Inside the mini cone, there's a mini marshmellow *slurps* :+:

Lionel so LOVE gelato 'coz Angel said, "Gelato is not fattening."

:+: Gelato = NOT FATTENING, BUT flavourings ARE FATTENING :+:

:+: Triple Scoops: Cappuchino, Rapsberry Yoghurt & Caramel :+:

:+: ahGe SCOOPING for inspiration for her project :+:

:+: Not forgeting myself.. I LOVE RUM RAISIN!!! Banana Cheese 2nd :+:

:+: Triple Scoops: Banana Cheese, Rum Raisin & Oreo Gelato :+:

When's the next Scooping?

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