Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Charity Concert in Kuching

Want to help the needy ones but don't know how? Well, there's a charity concert coming soon this August 2nd, 2008. From here, you can enjoy the concert while doing charity. Plus, you get to meet upclose with your favourite local artists.

How to get the tickets?

Paw paw Paul is helping his friend selling the tickets. He has 20 tickets in hand right now. Tickets are priced at RM100.

Date: 2nd August 2008 (Saturday)
Time: 6.00pm
Venue: Stadium Perpaduan aka Sarawak Indoor Stadium

(the one located the one at tui bin kang - accross river from Kuching town, the DBKU side of Kuching, )

For more information, please leave a comment here or email: paul_woen[at]hotmail.com or sms him at 016-883 0565.


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