Before heading for shower, John (my brother) told me that I had two calls from a friend. I think it should be Iris. Hehehe.. Pai seh..
After my shower, Jason called. =X omg!! I forgotten bout him. =.= kecian him..
I told him I 'just' woke up, which, I baru finished my shower... XD
He's already at Saberkas' parking area. He said that it was very full. Traffic jam. -.-" I told him, I'm going to Iris' house and will go to Saberkas ASAP.
Iris' house is just a lorong away from my house. Less than 3 minutes walk. I'm gifted with a pair of 'working' legs, so, I walked to Iris' house. When I reached her house, the gate was opened. *a lil shocked because her gate is always always always closed*
At the carporch I saw a 'technician car' and few big boxes. Hmm.. seems like Iris is getting the air cond installed... AT THIS HOUR??!! OMG.. Has she forgotten bout our lil 'date' with the tickets? Haihz..
As I walked into the house, I saw two guys.(Kelvin and Ah Quan, I'm not sure how to spell his name =X) Hiak Hiak... I asked them for Iris. Kelvin went up to announce my arrival. *ahem* *proud* Hahaha..
Iris came down to 'fetch' me up. She was not dressed up and ready to go. *shocked*
She was in her room online-ing. Haihzz... I was wondering what time we'll be going. The technician was installing the air-cond while she surf pictures in Friendster. -.-" apuuu..
Anyway, Jason sms me to asked if we were on our way yet. I told him I'm stuck at Iris' house and we have to wait till the technician to finish his job. Called Jason, Iris talked to him on the phone, told him to help us get the tickets incase we don't make it. Finally, the technician finished at 2pm!! whoa!! so long.. Conclusion: We din't get to go to Saberkas to redeem the tickets.. BUT.. we get Jason to help us get it.^^V Poor Jason, waiting and queeing up there all alone. Haihzz.. I felt guilty for not going with him and get the tickets with him as we have planned few nights before. I'm so so so sorry orh Jason. Don't know how to tebus dosa la. You guys there, help me out here. >"<
Iris changed her clothes and we went for lunch. Kelvin drove the car. I was to be the tour leader because Iris is from Bintulu, so she don't know much bout Kuching. She is studying at IBMS and just moved to Kuching since a year ago. Kelvin and Ah Quan are from Sibu. So, I'm suppose to bring them around Kuching. Haiyo... For lunch they asked me to choose a place to eat, somewhere not fastfood (i.e. KFC, McD). I cracked my brain thinking in the car. So, we decided to go to Hong Kong Beef Noodles at Saberkas. When we arrived the traffic light at Saberkas there, we saw many many cars there. Traffic jam somemore. So, I suggested to eat at Hot Pot, Ang Cheng Ho Road.
I'm currently feeling bloated. *burrp* Oppss.. Hehe.. Excuse me orh.
Lil lamb in tub. XD
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