Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Introducing DiNe with Anna

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In my high school time, I had a dream of having a restaurant of my own, "DiNe with Anna". I can't remember whose autograph book, but there's one friend's autograph book, I added in a kolaj of "DiNe with Anna".

Where did I get idea of changing "aLL about AnnA" to "DiNe with Anna"? Well, it all started when my Principles of Marketing assignment requires me to create a restaurant in my residential area. I have to create a restaurant name, and immediately i remembered my dream restaurant, "DiNe with Anna". kikiki... The idea of the name inspired me to blog about me eating or making the food.

I wanted to start blogging all about it but, I was packed with assignments and exams. When holiday (less than a week. *pif*) comes, I had to prepare myself for the new semester. Later, when I got used to the new sem, I am packed with assignments and exams again. Erks.. Who said studying was easy??

Secondly, I'm getting bored of writing about myself, and as if there is anyone interested reading them too. Anyway, it is way better to write something informative for others to read and know what we are taking into our tummy. Well, who doesn't like eating? Not all good looking and colorful food is healthy. There are some food that looks good, tastes good and good the body too.

Thirdly, I always receive forwarded mails which are very informative too. Therefore, I think it is a waste to keep all these information to myself whereby I can actually share with everyone and make others' life more colorful and beautiful. hehehe..

I sure hope you all would give comments on my entries so I can improve myself and maybe you can also give some ideas on how to make this a lot more interesting.

Anyway, 'Help me, help you'. HAHAHAHA..

Enjoy and take care~


amitsinha said...

I want to open a restaurant chain in future and I really liked the name Dine with Anna , may be my restaurant name will be inspired from this . I am a foodie and really liked ur blog. will keep coming.

a n n n a said...

hi amitsinha. thanks.. glad u liked the name.

maybe in future, if i have the chance, i hope i do, i'll open up a restaurant with this name, maybe u can open a restaurant chain. heehee..

who noes.. in future, it will be worldwide known just like McDonalds. ROFLMAO.. jkjk..

Have fun and come around often. ^^

p/s* i've linked ur blog to mine.

ah nel said...

don't forget me when you be a taukenio... :)